The Chronicles of an Over-Thinker

Maybe, just maybe, if I write this tomorrow
I will remember all the things I have to say.
But wait, I’m likely to forget anyway.14d80b4e99ac0158a67705628a186b8a
I don’t want to seem vulnerable though…
Exposing my innermost thoughts to strangers,
Do they even care?
But in the same breath, I think, it’s not for them.
It’s for me, so why not?



Breathe, take a second!
Okay, okay…
Maybe I should rephrase my sentence
I don’t want to sound needy or weird
Fingers-crossed he responds…
176bb4b045314df397da389c598066f1_overthinking-by-namtia-on-deviantart-overthinking-drawing_688-1161Okay, that was too much,
Two days later, no response?
I must have said something wrong.
Shoot! There goes another one.
Oh well, it’s not something I’m not used to.
*laughs at self*




As I fall asleep, all the pieces of my work come together.
Argument set, substantiation found, point made.
Wait, but does it make sense?
All the consolidation planned,
Now lost in the utopia of the Dream Realm
Never to be retrieved
Let the stress begin!

It’s 3am…
Great! I can’t sleep.
I slowly lull myself into an existential crisis.
images (3)Will I get out of bed tomorrow?
What is the point of life if you are going to die anyway?
Oh wow, that got really dark
I wonder where that came from…
I must be deeply messed up.
*again laughter ensues at self*


Did she mean what she said?
She can’t seriously think that.
Maybe that’s the impression I gave her
Clearly she never liked me
I’m a likable person though..,
Oh well not everyone will like you, deal with it!!
But I want her to like me!

Taking a step back,
Breathing exercises.

Okay! I think I am okay… or am I?
Why did I have to be an over-thinker?